Essay Topics For Firefighters
Firefighting essay topics can be extremely varied. As a result, you will have to be well versed in the type of emergency response that the topic is named for. There are a few different types of emergency situations that you should be familiar with if you are planning on writing a firefighting essay.
Major disasters are the most common type of emergency situation that students learn about when they begin their firefighting courses. A major disaster occurs when one major thing goes wrong and affects many others. For example, a major disaster might involve a major plane crash that causes an airline to cease operations for several days or weeks. Or, it could involve a fire that destroyed large areas of a city, resulting in thousands of homeless people.
A minor disaster, on the other hand, is one that doesn't involve a major cause of harm. For example, a house fire in a major city might be handled differently than a fire that occurred on a boat in the middle of the ocean.